Thursday, December 25, 2014

Back to the future. Of blogging.

I opened the car door and stepped outside onto by driveway. I closed the door as the final chords of "The Eraser" hit, marking the simultaneous end of both my trip & that album.

Does this hold some deep meaning? 
I do enjoy good timing though.

Famous belly button exhibitionist, Princess Jasmine (of my favorite non-Pixar Disney film, Aladdin) was said to be punctual. I like that in a woman. I also like her magic carpet. (rimshot!)

Tasteless jokes aside, noting beats perfect timing. Arriving at the stop exactly when the bus arrives or going to the washroom in a restaurant and coming back to find your meal at the table, these are great feelings.

Timing is chemistry between you and your friends. You and your significant other...
Timing means the success or failure of an advertising campaign, or most any other work.  

All the moments in your life have relied on your reactions to events that can only happen because your own personal timing allowed you to be there. Had you been early or late, perhaps it would be different. 

It is said that life is a big joke, and in comedy, timing is everything. 

... I wrote all that May 27th, 2010. 
It wasn't posted because it felt unfinished. There was always something else I felt I should say with it but I wasn't sure what. Some deep insight? Some lame joke? I didn't know then and I sure as shit don't know now. I only rediscovered the 'draft' copy sitting in here after a very long hiatus from any writing. 
Why post it now? I guess it felt like the right time [rimshot?].
Merry Xmas.