Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The first random.

I wonder at times why I'd want to do this. I'm wondering it right now. This is the point when I warn you that whatever you are about to read will be a waste of your time. I know fully that it's not smart to tell you that if I want to keep you reading (or do I know that telling you that will entice you, who knows what I know), but I feel bad about wasting people's lives; they are just too short.

Wow. How depressing.

Okay, enough of that [ellipsis] let the random begin!

I have a 30GB iPod video that's about 26GB full at the moment. I walk around with this thing in my pocket and am a notorious track skipper. That said if I'm to do this I need my fingers to be in working order and free. Enter winter. It's cold and it's dark and the winds are a'blowin with the snow a'flowin and this manner of typing is a'noyin.
Being cold out, gloves are usually the right way to go, but this has developed into a dilemma.

I can't operate my iPod with my gloves on. They are too big, thick, and there's something about the fabric that doesn't register with the iPod wheel; I can circle my finger all I want and the screen light won't even blink. If I apply more pressure than it will skip in the wrong direction or turn off. For a while I've had to remove my glove and expose my poor hand to the elements in order to adjust the volume. Is there anything more tragic than that?!

I was in a very sorry state. Constant weeping, curled up in a fetal position, drunk, ostracized. A sad, pathetic excuse for a human being. After feeling sorry for myself for a few weeks I decided I'd had enough of it. I'm not going down without a fight. It ain't over 'till it's over!

Enter thinner gloves. These offer little protection from the hash environment but do offer full iPod functionality! So what does one do with this? Gloves that are good but can't operate the iPod and gloves that are bad but do. Why, you combine them of course.

Gloves inside gloves, a wonderfully stupid yet effective solution to an idiosyncratic problem. But it works and I guess that's what gets me through.

This about it. My demographic travel on foot and the bus to school five days a week usually on their own. That's how many combined hours of iPod'ery? Well, in my case it takes about 1.5 hours to get to school & back. So 7.5 hours a week, and that's not counting travel on weekends, to friend's houses, or whatever you need to do. We use our music so often that if you have a small, seemingly insignificant problem like 'not being about to use it with gloves on' than it can really annoy you by week three.

Yet look at me here, attempting to justify writing about this dribble. Hell, look at you, if you're still here reading it. I suppose you've no one to blame but yourselves. Or me, for rambling, ranting and raving on for so long.

That's it for the moment,



Charles said...

Gloves on top of gloves! LOL

You may want to look into conductive thread: http://www.instructables.com/id/Making-A-Glove-Work-With-A-Touch-Screen/

Anonymous said...

Hello Eric!

Let's link our blogs!

Mine's http://novelnematode.wordpress.com

(It's Stella by the way)

Woohoo self promotion.

E-Rock said...

Don't know if that works with the wheel.

Stella, the link be so totally done.

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